Day 1 Much Like You, I Have No Idea What's Going On. (But I do think I comprehend just enough to be eloquently and entirely confused, convoluted concepts and factual things once true, allow me some sense of what's coming
"In 1945, Huxley (UNESCO - Its Purpose and Its Philosophy - p. 21) noted that it is too early to propose outright a eugenic depopulation program but advised that it will be important for the organization,
"to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable."
Huxley's caution is no longer necessary.
In the meantime, the branches of the United Nations have gained such a level of power that even originally minor UN sub-organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) have been enabled to,
command individual governments around the world to obey their orders...
The WHO and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) - whose conditionality for loans has changed from fiscal restraint to the degree to which a country follows the rules set by the WHO - have become the supreme tandem to work toward establishing the New World Order.
As Julian Huxley pointed out in his discourse in 1945, it is the task of the United Nations to do away with economic freedom, because,
"laisser-faire and capitalist economic systems" have "created a great deal of ugliness".
(p. 38)
The time has come to work toward the emergence,
"of a single world culture.
(p. 61)
This must be done with the explicit help of the mass media and the educational systems.
With the foundation of the United Nations and its sub-organizations, the drive to advance the programs of eugenics and transhumanism took a big step forward.
Together with the activities of the Club of Rome, they have stage to initiate the great reset that is going on currently.
With the pronouncement of a 'pandemic,' the goal of comprehensive government control of the economy and society has taken another leap toward transforming the economy and society.
Freedom faces a new enemy.
The tyranny comes under the disguise of 'expert rule' and 'benevolent dictatorship'...
The new rulers do not justify their right to dominance because of divine providence but now claim the 'right' to rule the people in the name of universal health and safety based on presumed 'scientific' evidence..."-The UN Origins Of The RESET
Great RESET at bibliotech
I don't wake up, and feel lazy, depressed, or motivated or any clear motivation like that. I wake up in a strange place now but it certainly wasn't always like this and I don't remember being the one who changed the formula for experiencing and interfacing with our world, I think something was taken away from us, or our world, or something quite significant was removed or altered taken from our bodies, minds, or souls, being almost certainly a race of amnesiac incarnations cycling through higher and lower frequency forms of intelligence, given different wavelengths of focus to work through per incarnation, with each form the soul passes on to some higher grade or alternate education, the person born into this body, traveling through human life in this physical body lived some two decades and some years and months in one reality. I say it like that because obviously something severe changed reality or minimally my entire percieved relationship to it, but it seems more that it changed everyone else so severely without them being seemingly aware of or discerning enough to notice or mention such an unexpected and certainly at this time vastly unexplainable phenomenon of reality switching, though Mandela effect and various conventional and exotic theoretical physics or computational models of our reality have become much more popular conduits for these kinds of possibilities regarding the world we live in very recently. So I was born, grew up went to middle school, high school, a few very productive years in college, met a girl, played in some bands, traveled a little, partied a little, read a lot, enjoyed long and deep conversations with friends on many topics, etc...However around the time of 1999-2002 things both sped up and became superficial and unfocused feeling regardless of my mood or outlook or the reality I hope and prayed to manifest, the one I would find myself in felt- absolutely manufactured. When I was small I was told there were good reasons for separating fiction from history, and religion from science, and so on. But as I felt the world around me lose it's color, it's soundtrack, and the sounds of nature we take for granted as we increasingly adapted to urban environments and Then some time recently, during some clear moment- after the monumental and impossible-to-forget events of the early 2000's, such as 9-11, The Iraq War, and later Patriot Act, release of the Patriot Act, Matrix films, and later the revelations of Snowden and Assange about Intelligence technologies, domestic spying, and the introduction of government UFO studies open to the public, simulation theories being considered by pop science, have only mirrored an internal confusion about the nature of reality and these past 22 years have felt entirely different as a human experience and as a social experiment, and this waking life quite literally feels entirely different, fake, simulated, strong and passionate feelings, genuine conversations and connections with people close to me, attention spans and interest, spiritual aims and archetypal understandings, even down to the level of how we perceive, create, and manifest aspects of our reality we focus on changing, all just "feel" entirely different.
Of course, I've tried all the rational avenues of self inquiry one should at least attempt before making such sweeping abstract statements about "feelings" and "reality", "simulations" and the like, so I've often wanted to console this mystery and provide more reasonable tangible answers about my own perception hoping to analyze these great conviction away, to think on it so much that answers and inspiration make themselves available to substitute the pure uneasiness I tend to sense when being honest with myself about the subject at all, so I've considered maybe I was younger, maybe I was more hopeful and the possibilities of my path from that perspective seemed almost infinite, and that potential in youth feels infinite and in older age we remark how youth made us feel invincible, without habitual stress stacking up to weigh down our adult souls, or maybe it's just the introduction then complete dependence on technological innovation, maybe there are many factors but those all come from analysis of some aspect that's been added to life as I was becoming an adult, these concepts do not cover how simply walking outside, reliving a memory, remembering a kiss or a good chat with an older soul, remembering an overcast rainy movie day in summer or the feeling when girls started noticing me and vice versa, the vibes and chills a great work of art can possess us to create something equally meaningful and authentic; in fact I feel, authenticity was the currency of genuine personality and charisma back then, intelligence, beauty, experience, adversity, wisdom, and even listening could enchant and entertain, it's what made certain people "cool", "real", or possessing a vibe or aura naturally which radiated and influenced others just like the moods of weather and the dance of nature when we find quiet and solitude and we learn to listen to life and let the breeze and the breath of that old world and the lessons it had to teach, all these feelings are different now, feeling itself is more rare and abbreviated, attention spans for truly connecting with others in conversation or vibes. But enough about my hunches and intuitive feeling that life has become a haunted video game with civilization spanning resets and nearly all the other players seem to be in some sort of catatonic hypnosis they can't quite observe themselves due to cell phone dependence/addiction and who can blame these zombies for not listening to our stories and anecdotes? Do we all know that it's all of us? Do you have a single friend or family member that has the power to put the device down, don't we all make excuses for why that's just too much to ask? Don't we all pretend we have to apologize for failing to hear people speaking directly to us cause like undisciplined children we can't stop ourselves from reading that next text, disrespecting whoever is mid sentence/story/tragedy/punch-line/god forbid-moment of shared nostalgia for better days, and we just dismiss everything they said to build to that point and everything they thought they were respected enough to continue and finish saying, because now we're wired this way and it's gonna take serious deep self work and more honest than most can afford in the age of the identity purchasing "influencer".
I mean I can remember before that addiction as a lifestyle (life cataloguing and vitality wasting/draining supposed convenient tool for connecting all of us to every person on the planet at our fingertips OR (and later revealed U.S agenda to then move into seven other countries in the area and sort of clean house, supposedly to crush a system of extremist and terrorists that weave in and out of and are sometimes made up of locals or nomadic travelers who associate with one group or another. Authorities were claiming in between weekly drone bombings (that didn't always quite murder the bad guys we supposedly needed removed from the battlefield but did manage to scatter the body parts of some suspicious children's birthday parties and gathering of two families in a horrifying ritual carried out by non-terrorists in that cursed region that the locals claim is some tradition we've luckily injected with freedom before it got too bad over there. I hear surveillance of terrorists in the targeted areas were discussing the planning that same day of something they refer to as a "wedding". We can only imagine what would've happened if these young people were allowed to fall in love and argue over dishes, or even attempt a second gathering of bearded villains and veiled innocent civilians where they make it appear as if no men are present and hold some strange ancient ritual referred to in remote regions of Afghanistan and Iran, as a "Bay Bee Shower". Very strange and suspicious behavior indeed) Embedded inside inspirational Presidential addresses given at the time by both Bush Jr. and Obama, as well as military officials and spokespeople, defense secretaries, cable news narratives,
( The limited but quite loud and pronounced well-funded cable news apparatus, and its funding and frequent resorting to a literal script repeated throughout the day and night by all other "journalist" cannot be refuted or even investigated further, the facts are now quite pronounced and direct: From the first crucial minutes of seemingly reporting on the now bizarrely common-on-site school-shooting tragedies, all to the general story about a given member of Congress, update on the war(s), or even a goofy feel good story to cleanse the pallet, the entire United States' local and national news reporters read directly off a teleprompter which contains a carefully prepacked script, this script will contain the exact literal language in the one sent to all the other studios. Now these news programs supposedly employ "journalist" and or newscasters, who may at some junctures have had a genuine and naive attraction to traveling, doing thorough research, and reporting their experiences, and findings, complete with interviews and segments where the news crew are allowed to go out in the field and capture significant events and call it the news. No longer, the sheer rate at which they wish to overwhelm each and every person possibly watching with weird patterns of swiftly discussed political events and celebrities, other celebrities, a kind of list of federal and local nonsense to rattle off and maybe a suggested individual they are tasked with extracting some exact response out of, many of these "journalist" in their dreams, may be good people, or try their best with the aspects of the lie they are yet to personally choke on in their blindness, or their brand of professional willing ignorance, or lack of experience and sheer youth and nativity or trust. This all assisted, for example, the basic sentiment that this military campaign wasn't going to be some endlessly destructive money making scheme for military industrial interests, the now god-like pharma powers, dollar pocket lining politicians with shell accounts, yet somehow worth the death and obliteration of Middle Eastern infrastructure, a process which both wound up confused with and resulting in the rebuilding contracts by massive American contractors, though the Army themselves admitted being tasked with the obliteration of said infrastructure from water works and pipes in a given town. It was in this haze of historical contradictions that forced me to really analyze the reasoning and methods which we carried these wars out with, and maybe some other shady military campaigns and other smaller operations before that, some even before I was born to be honest.
When my trust, faith, and deeply rooted belief, that my government is an institution for good and constructive change, no longer appears the abstract aura observable in our society, regardless of governing; the very central theme we agreed on as a people, the notion that all good and reasonable people were reaching for in the land of the free was demonstrated, not all the time, not everyone was a shining example of these codes of ethics and basic manners, It's hard to appreciate, when you attempt to go back in time, when nostalgia of all kinds becomes a burning desire for most people alive today, if it can ever possibly be experienced again in some form, we may assume many have an urge to escape, for many it can be the past, for some childhood, a specific relationship or job, what kind of culture have I been raised to experience? What kind of culture do we find ourselves in? Think about it... For a lot of people who are elderly or past their mid-life mark, they have absolutely no connection between the world they were taught to live in, the one they were educated to maneuver so well, by the generation that built it, fought for it, bled for it, lived through it. The generation that won the world for the good guys had that reason to exist, their rite of passage, their big test as a generation was many folds but it did a lot of, "immigrant generations and parents had kids or the immigrants themselves joined the children of immigrants and beat the only worldwide villain they'd be aware of in their entire lifetimes. Since WW2 was "won" this generation was also inundated with programming about I don't even think the people who taught me this way of attempt capturing a type of American male code of being, attempts to highlight more a time period of simpler worldviews, more contained pursuits and interactions, polite language and more passionate maybe never in the clinical halls of politicians PR parades, maybe never pumping alongside the inner workings of polluted and smog coughing, oil spewing, industrial injuries dressed up as factories and "jobs",. No, this model was quite apparently no longer functioning as the infinite source, that sense of self Americans took pride in whether directly the immigrants from some other culture and place in the world, or whether born in the Midwest and proudly fighting for your homeland, for decades, even with all kinds, and fire lit under Americans which urges them to love, and work, no longer matched a fairy tale one could be contained deep within, like so many white people contained in white middle class neighborhoods, and aren't allies for their American brothers and sisters or comrades to their fellow military veterans or this countries' workers, unions, , or even capable of understanding the sacrifice of going to war. In the years that have passed we've lost our idea of the militaries' role in our lives, and in our countries' defense and purpose. We both take these powers and institutions for granted and we tend to resent them for being the physical arm of a very real very massive machine.
This machine, in many people's eyes has become too large, too mechanical and can hardly be separated from the classical understanding of a massive empire, with all the violence and saber-rattling posturing that goes along with cheering such a massive system on. Though we may appreciate with all our beings, the sacrifices of so many have made, so we can have peace, Freedom and the privilege of individualism, and all the paths possible with this conjunction, are being realized at the exact same time that the illusion of artificial belonging, and "customizable" or "upgradeable" identity at any cost, solely for the purpose of social media based social reward systems, are facing collectively for the first time, the corporate power structure which now rules most things due to the world encompassing control apparatus they've assembled which functions as a surveillance back door to ever event and experience taking place on the planet within seconds. The creeping but ultimate powers we see extending over physical reality in the form of social media worldview design, for example, one can be censored, defunded, removed entirely, and even have their communications marked "incorrect, fake, false, source is wrong" by someone with literally no authority or experience professionally or otherwise in any of the fields they are policing via millions of users. If that's not Orwellian, why and how did we let them create a tool for devastating and entirely destroying the public and financial as well as romantic and creative aspects of every single activity and individual that associates or works with an individual in any way, and we even tell ourselves it's to help women, or it's the only method we have to help our trans friends police pronouns like it's a federal legal priority above terrorism and murder, AND we even throw out, ignore, or simply never inquire about evidence, or even the validity of a claim or outburst, comment, or rat's motivations for turning rat. We simply tell ourselves this can't be a weapon of the corporate surveillance empire, I guess because we feel hopeless thinking this in front of our digital TV, s 5G cell phones, and Siri devices, but cancel culture IS a corporate weapon, social justice has ONLY corporate origins.
The social media platforms and billionaires, and their evil red headed step cousins, bankers, got together and thought up a list of different ways to reshape the world at this environmental and technological series of crossroads, where we're getting the theme loud and clear and quite in our faces, if not simply "hiding" right behind the local gas station from 5G towers dressed up in friendly neighborhood tree costumes, When the meeting of too rich, space reaching, A.I.drooling, surveillance corporate illuminati of wanna-be futurist got together, they decided we need another crisis, and this is where readers of my work will recognize the behind the scenes motivations and meetings of the Club Of Rome, World Economic Forum, and the Bilderberg group, with all their weird ass Nazi, Luciferian, Gnostic, technocratic and political influences and name dropping horse shit, have seemingly decided the net World War will be fought against the people. Not one geographical hold out against a invading or foreign enemy, but an enemy made out of every man, by the geniuses behind everything terrible, as they simply suggest, as they suggested the Patriot Act to no awake person in the middle of the night and signed it into action, and it was a very small beginning to a control system only possible if we were historically doomed to:
A) allow the Patriot Act, foreign torture programs, and just what Snowden, Greenwald, Wikileaks, and others have revealed about surveillance, our phones, shadowy agencies, acts, and companies, questionable third party contractors and actors playing cogs in a larger anonymously functioning apparatus, clueless and foreign third party companies filling gaps in between democracy and true digital fascism.
B) Allow the absurd and overwhelmingly but unsafe and unreasonable and completely contradictory process of reacting to Covid the way that Fauci, WHO, and the NIH spelled out and repeated for two long years. To trust either a system that insists on that childlike level of obedience, or that lack of reason and fact checking ability when it comes to many topics over years, is simply obliterating to my prior personal understanding of how citizens should respect and adhere to the intelligence of both healthcare professionals and the public consensus, regarding most safe courses of action, or actions of prevention and assistance. In other words, the way facts and human beings were treated in this country over the entire span of covid and its tentacles and side effects. Though after the fact my tone seems to lay blame at the feet of my fellow civilians, I actually lay the blame for this entire event with those who develop advanced bioweapons for governments around the world including the U.S. inside of China and Russia, and blame IS at the door waiting for Gates, Fauci, and Big Pharma, particularly if you were instrumental in lying to the world, know that this illness will make you even more money, know that the creation and dispersal of a vaccine will make you even more money, know that the extent to which we are emphasizing masks, washing hands, and vaccines is utterly false and propped up only to make you more money. You will never be stopped or questioned by anyone in any way because those people who plan the next steps, turning that biomedical opportunity and advancement into civilian requirements to track and control every person and thing on the planet, and a cataloguing of that data in a kind of metaverse which you're selling as VR escapism, but it's cause you know the breakaway civilization is the only chance of survival and the less useful eaters wired to shooter games, virtual porn, and meta chat rooms, the less any substantial attempt at revolution will be stopped before it ever begins cause Minority Report is the logical conclusion of these systems of surveillance. They aren't building this watchful apparatus to catch a robber one day, they built this 5G prison so that we were all always in the catalog of civilians, one which they can purchase us from, or possibly some other archonic force with some sustenance, energetic, sexual, or other needs which they feed on humans for.
All this explanation is to preface the concept that we are not in the same reality some of us were alive for in the 90's and 80's and ESPECIALLY time periods and decades before the 80's, were for all intensive purposes the physical reality that people experienced life in, the world, was a place with so many places within it that one can travel to, however the continuing effort to digitize and capture and or make the physical world compatible or simulated within unreal worlds is a strange kind of way to understand space and places as we move from the era of physical video games and interactions to universally online ones. Of course, we lose something valuable in the sense of social awareness and ability to communicate and have any awareness and or empathy for other explanations.
In some kind of hopefully coherent gesture of early review,
The 80 and 90's were like all other decades in human history, but there was an unprecedented spread of pop media and popular consumption, through methods of both American Empire building we don't discuss often, and concepts of breakfast cereal mascots, freshly opened Coca Cola cans nourishing athletes and oblivious actors and rock stars. America began to xerox itself across the physical world, not unlike empires before it, but for the first time the empire taking over the world in more than way, had televisions, radios, people could carve their own notion of reality and identity, both, offered by the moody cool movies, violent vigilante flicks, colorful heroes and the strange world of Hollywood special forces tales, translate as, "the approach to film making centered around a one man army, martial arts flicks, science fiction adaptations and experiments, containing awful possibilities for a dystopian near future, often swiftly forgotten or rejected in light of colorful and imaginative futures. Science Fiction films of the 80's either show some strange experiment or experience-experiencing the 80's culture, or like it's 90's counterparts, found an affordable way to tell the very last stories mankind has to offer. Science Fiction changed in the 90's in that many of these movies imagined a world given up on, a world with no angels, no saints and no helpers, no lovers and no family, the future sees us as homeless, nomadic, roaming, hunting and hungry or lost and being hunted, outgunned and at the mercy of murdering robots or observant digital birds handing the location of our hero to some crystal gazing trash wearing super villain, The hero's journey from into this new or futuristic existence to "shut"(ting) it down", as it's put by the Strangers of "Dark City", our future good guys have quite a task before them. The futuristic hero isn't just after the damsel in distress, or his long lost partner, sibling, family, etc, he's not just after the magic sword or the tiny wizard elf person, in the future, Roddy Piper aims to rip down the wires, the very phone polls, tv station, and satellite dish, if he must, to free the minds of the citizens of the city featured in "They Live."
Murdoch nearly destroys his world to correct and breath new sunlight literally into the "Dark City". Since there is a common theme of making people see the way the real world is/looks/functions, in Dark City when the camera pans out to reveal you aren't in a remote city anywhere humans populate a city that we know of because when the entire city is panned out on, it is revealed the city is actually on a very small island floating by itself in outer space. It's appearing as if a city was on a tiny planetary body and functioned as a microcosm on its own. Dark City was influenced by the book and film "Momo" and shares the same city Hollywood sound stage or set with the Matrix trilogy and the Crow.
Truman must finally build the courage to overcome his quite purposefully implanted fear of the trauma of drowning with his father as a child, the event where they killed is father effectively converting water into the young boy's leading phobia; in order to take a boat himself to the edge of The Truman Show set where the boat runs straight into a blue painting of the distant sky or a horizon meant to look a fair distance away is ripped open revealing a metal movie set and door which Truman briefly enters after having an exchange with, wat to him is a disembodied voice, the Director , urging him to stay by being emotionally manipulative and saying real life hurts and it's chaotic and the Director knows him best, knows him most intimately, knows what he desires and fears, wishes he would just stay in his single person zoo of scripted small talkers and sincere wives and childhood best friends.
In so many films I've sought for both their brand of UFO tin foil hat-esque, rather colorful paranoid delusional personality that these films often follow, usually both harshly soberingly discredited them, ungracefully and haphazardly, even visibly nervous about tactics being carried out to gaslight the main character for their pursuits, beliefs, and inconvenient pursuit of some ultimate earth-shattering reality altering truth.
The technocrats that rule our current model of reality have begun confusing us with simulations they hope to replace reality with, since physical reality is moving into a state vastly different than any human's experience thus far. The world and nature and the organic will be cloned, diluted, and turned artificial, the air is poisoned chem trail cross pollination, the wind is weighed down with 5G frequencies slugging through our anatomies and into our phones. Aspects of this whole RESET may seem like it's too much to think can realistically take place in such a smal amount of time, but one has to keep in mind this plan in it's core thesis has been built up in the shadows since at least the second World War if not the last entire century as secret groups wrote their mission statements and massively powerful groups that represent unrelenting globalism. Social Media is only one of the newest services up to bat for the elite agenda, and the way corporations created and got many to react regarding their social muzzle known as "cancel culture" or the massive distraction of identity politics, or the obsessions with terminology and social justice; shows us they certainly know how to play ball.
The Modern Reset:
Quality of life will diminish as the state continues their war on intimacy and carefully sculpted bioweapons, climate and our very selves and our neighbors, we will be the ones named as carbon villains, as those who have resisted the vaccines will be rounded up and thrown in camps. The resultant infected population will spread a "mad cow" like disease or form of prion disease, which may or may not, according to CDC's website and Amazon small print, be a zombie outbreak end game. Though all this technocracy bullshit we're swallowing in fast forward doesn't seem needed to just reset via Walking Dead scenario so this aspect may still be far fetched. Though still this seems to be an expansion of an AIDS like immune disorder bioweapon, and the pope of virology and bad ideas, Fauci is already quite well versed in this area.
How does the alien abduction phenomenon fit into globalism and the technocracy?
Throughout alien abduction literature there are so many clues and connections to Nazism and black projects, mind control etc... when one knows where to look. Sometimes it's the most popular tales of little green men that when re-examined with this knowledge, one can easily see consistent human abductors or MILABs (military abductions). It is not my place here to argue there are no real "alien" abductions, or that real abductees don't have separate MILAB experiences, but at least the large scale testing of microchip technology, creating states of consciousness, audible voices, dream manipulation, memory manipulation, etc...and the narrative of a dying race (Nazis after WW2 to be precise) and the antigravity technology all seem elements of Nazi black projects before the end of the war and a multifaceted mid war planning of a forever Reich to be formed from the ashes and international connections, rat lines, Vatican moneys, lost gold, and exotic projects and scientific perspectives which swiftly became denazified to the public or any connection to Nazism was swept up before transforming these ideas to scientific, technological, medical, air and space, and other advancements.
As far as microchips and nanotech would be concerned, when taken into consideration with hybridization projects carried out by the Nazis working with the CIA, these would all need many test and experiments before industrial level production would be possible, these steps in controlling individuals and the masses would be perfected before attempted by those power interests who would be already adjusted to a very long game, with each generation of those who inherit the agenda fully aware they can only advance aspects of said agenda so far in one lifetime, through bloodlines and secret society pacts, with no one group or individual having more than a few arbitrary parts of a much larger plan, none trusted with two much of the master plan, but using time tested methods of gaining power and black mail, and making someone who feels privileged feel even more special and privileged so loyalty is unquestionable but even if they went to CNN to spill the beans half those beans would be well placed disinfo and the rest could be vanished before spoken of on any news station, and no small fry whistleblower or moral outrage would even be capable of taking down more than their own contributions and reputation, which will be targeted for public sex scandal or murder before they make it to the studio for an interview. The surveillance state does not allow for the reality of someone spilling the beans, due to the nature of these operations only providing crumbs of truth needed for each individual or company tasked with a part of the end game scenario, something so specific that it's suggested purpose can be generally denied outright, and some completely general lame truth will be clarified before most people pay attention to a whistleblower anyway.
What's Up With Worlds Fairs And Their Relationship To "RESET(s)":
From what I can gather about the mysterious unknown side effect of a "World's Fair", the places they took place were forever changed, seemingly ancient structures were "built in a day", and other were destroyed with no explanation, for a quite popular phenomenon with it's look at ancient and futuristic aspects of a breakaway civilization on public display, and each Fair funded by nonfrugal and non-charitable bankers and robber barons who lost money on every last Fair. There is even discussion of eradicating the last of the architectural masterpieces after the Fair's would complete their backstage demolition.
Andreas Xirtus @ Youtube
For more on the Nazi MILAB connection check my book Contact: Them Or Us or the blog by the same name, or Zero Knight blog.
"by enforcing surveillance as the normative form of care, the state effectively erases the significance of all other forms of care. Parents might teach their children nothing of value, no moral standards, no self-discipline, no compassion for others - but as long as those children are incessantly observed, then according to the state's standards the parents of those children are good parents. And they are good because they are training their children to accept a lifetime of passive acceptance of surveillance."-Here
Strange Massive Alterations To History or Reality: These Links Either Understood The Present Far Before The Rest Of Us OR Understood The Past In Ways We've Forgotten:
Laboratory Planet (very interesting and bizarre prophecies of now from 2007, text reminds me of Val Valerian, SRI, it's so bizarre I'd just suggest checking it out)
Philosophical Disquisitions: The Logic Of Surveillance Capitalism- (An Analysis of Shoshana Zuboff 's Theories and the Mechanics of Surveillance Capitalism)
You Are Now Remotely Controlled- NY Times
How To Destroy Surveilance Capitalism
Surveillance and the shell game- (We're a lot further along than we like to imagine in our consensus view of technological "takeover"
Critical Spatial Mapping-(Power Mapping, "Bureau d'etudes")
We're Losing The War Against Surveillance Capitalism Because We Let Big Tech Frame The Debate-salon
"Zuboff extracted the following implication from her 'surveillance capitalism' analysis: "Nothing short of a social revolt that revokes collective agreement to the practices associated with the dispossession of behavior will alter surveillance capitalism's claim to manifest data destiny ... New interventions [are] necessary ... The future of this narrative will depend upon the indignant scholars and journalists drawn to this frontier project, indignant elected officials and policy makers who understand that their authority originates in the foundational values of democratic communities, and indignant citizens who act in the knowledge that effectiveness without autonomy is not effective, dependency- induced compliance is no social contract, and freedom from uncertainty is no freedom"-Risks Inherent in the Digital Surveillance Economy: A Research Agenda
They Rule-Youtube version as all other versions have been taken down
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