When Conspiracies Bleed Into The World Outside Your Door

 There has always been a sure novelty and keen American interest in conspiracies. Whether we subscribe or find humor in complicated multifaceted infiltration of our trusted infrastructure, institutions, and power structures, whether out in the open and public or deeply compartmentalized over decades in secret programs and hallways of elite pro, our appetite for "bogus revelation'' has only gained an army of interested young people, as our culture has been  pulverized by one more apparent propaganda, acts of false flag operations, terrorism,  secret spy craft, surveillance capitalism, 

I've studied the most bizarre and interesting alien abduction tales all my life. The sobering reality of the contemporary popular and somewhat redundant abduction narrative is not what it seems. Real aliens and true contact with beings like this are, in my opinion, probably a "real" experience and phenomenon our species has interacted with since man has walked the planet, but the abductions relating to grays seem to be an almost obvious aspect of a continuing eugenics program, a continuation of experiments under the umbrella of MK-Ultra, funded much like supposed back engineered alien and or ancient technology, if not both, spread out throughout Intelligence and military industries, a continuation of the first black programs in human history utilizing methods and members of the Third Reich, the experimentation and testing of various mind altering and other exotic technologies on "abductees", adding their own mythology to the UFO conspiracy literature through useful  agents pretending to be interested or informed of the UFO situation via lectures at conventions, books, websites, and aspects of the truth displayed in films, tv shows, novels, comic books, video games, and virtually every other medium. 

This either blends with or uses technology like advanced flying craft, mind control science, advanced genetics and vast but rarely discussed underground drilling or boring technology, that in UFO terminology, belongs both to a breakaway civilization, a term invented by National Security and UFO researcher Richard Dolan, and a super secret group apparently tasked with the continuation of programs which are too exotic to make public whatsoever, but which apparently haunt entire families of descendants consistently throughout their lives, decades and decades of  unexplainable experiences thought to coincide with secret military projects to hybridize human DNA with alien DNA, supposedly. It is thought real alien abductees are re-abducted by the military or some ultra secret organization, abductees in general, particularly the most famous cases of alien abduction shockingly DOES include these human, military, Nazi elements working in unison to the horror of many former alien abductees. 

More On MILABs

The reason I mention this is because it can be suggested that the next step in genetic transformation may be viral. In other words, the problem reaction solution method can be charted as Covid, quarantine, vaccination. The reason for this engineered bioweapon crisis is the Great Reset. In other words, to Reset is to build a perfect and complete technocracy in a disorienting internet of things, as our rights and worth are debated next to A.I. and staring into VR on pain pills, as robots replace us and climate change becomes deadly, carbon footprints become a kind of tax and our meta selves do the work to feed our real bodies, a population of tagged slaves controllable down to the nerve and cell in the human body, complete electronic control of society. Something Jose Delgado, Michael Aquino, and Michael Persinger helped first the CIA, then all world governments acquire this technology,  But cell phones have taken away our serious attention span as an entire culture, and the Nazis creeped from losing a war to controlling the planet while we slept and worried about ideas the news feeds us,  The Fourth Reich flexed their pharma/medical tyranny muscles with Covid, after taking the blame for the opiate crisis and still being universally trusted with ever man woman and child's health in the entire world. 

As Klaus Schwab's Tehnocratic world conquering vision is massaged through another Davos meeting for the richest rulers of our world to make back door deals and plot evil away from the annoying eyes of both the media and the public one can't help of our older sync adventures, comparing the Borg of Star Trek with the Daleks of Doctor Who lead by one Davos sounding Schwab villain, Davros.


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