Brain Spam and Shadows

 Wellness and Thought Garbage

We often wait for physical problems to arise before examining sources of dis-ease if we're at all aware of how the mind body system functions. Often we are not. Procrastinating work on our inner demons, avoiding truths about embracing understanding, and hopefully integrating our Jungian shadow, with the rest of the elements present in our personalities, leads to these energies festering, hiding, and arising as health or severe personality problems the more we treat them as alien attackers and the less we choose to comprehend these suppressed aspects are in fact simply parts of the self finally forcing themselves to surface, the more we have foreign and harsh reactions inside and out rather than following the energies to their roots, their origins, and how we aggravate our own conditions out of fear, ajd fear of coming face to face with the repressed vibes we hoped to devour without a negative reaction reaching the surface.

Part of this has become not as much our fault, sorta, cause we spend our lives listening to ads filled with horrible symptoms being read aloud hypnotically telling the body it may have any or all these problems, or be depressed from simply hearing them read habitually per every choice of something to watch or listen to with all our personally real time targeted ads mixed between stomach and skin conditions 24 hours a day. This and super powers of distraction and dopamine release per like, inner darkness forms over the soul for every lack of like, especially to the young where this world went from neato to intimately tied to every aspect of inner and outer life from esteem to appearance from family to vacation, mall and back, every interaction and conversation every event and experience like a concert, all are not about recording the experience, and prevent oneself from HAVING the experience at all.

I don't think this is a boomer only notion of “well, we played outside!”, more a universal survey of what beings need, light, emotions, tempering of personality and perseverance through years of experiencing things fully alone or as long term groups of explorers as a youth, the real meaningful and patient attention span to desire to learn and experience all one can. It's fun to tape a life, it's crazy to live a life fully aware, and a part of the moments occuring, not just voyeur to them for the sake of others opinion of what you associate with and the experiences you are physically present for. Likes.

They built these things, apps to do this. We've been warned by their very makers. We couldn't care less, younger kids and more mentally unwell people should be chained to such apps.

The mind of the modern phone is very unwell, promoting and enslaving our minds and the virtual voodoo bodied clones they built to sell things to us, our shadow selves in another sense, can warp our real brains and perceptions, well it's also built to perform such blatant mind control thought altering projects on a global population.

We also build in everyone expectations of ultra sex, ultra high, ultra rich, ultimate exercise, psychopath life, thise who either control the machines that control us, and most elements of human progress, the impossible standards of financial “heroes” and power weilded by the human “gods” of our reality. They choose to participate and accentuate the evils of our tech and energies festering, merely hiding in our unwell minds, causing disease when growing within the body. This rat race is impossible. It only mames and kills its eager participants.

The following in no way aims to paint a type of people a danger, or disposable, in any sense but rather random individuals who have low level mental activity and low energies or frequencies, not bad people but within a tyoe of personality that is “not home” “not present in the moment ever” “verbally redundant” intellectually minimalist without any peace or meditation abilities, personal revelations, contemplative observations or any self reflection whatsoever. Someone whose never concerned with who or why or how they are they jus play the game without comment or growth, repeating things others have said, etc …

In between the waking and possessed are the unfortunate NPCs, vacant souls who've packed redundant and base level comments for conversations that simply waste energy and time. Like some characters in They Live, Dark City, or the Matrix, a kind of pseudo-Agent Smith within a hollow type being, which can be triggered the easiest by mistake groupthink in times of unsureness and disorganization in the system of society, space out into rent-a-cop mentality. I only adhere to authority without the advantage of individual or deep thoughts.

Experiences cannot wake these types, they have a line of dialogue for any experience yet still no independent thoughts can occur. They aren't the bad guys but their mental simplicity allows for easily hackable belief systems and hijackable or possession vulnerable souls.


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