Death of a Conspiracy Term
We have a communication problem in some of the most important areas of study, and it was done on purpose years ago and works very well today.
The invention of the term “conspiracy theorist”, an invention of the CIA’s changing terms forever department to shut up anyone wanting answers about JFK’s death. We'd do ourselves a service to never again say it, base all curiosity on real thorough factual research and we're fact theorist jus like that. We use facts to theorize larger truths than the world provides us from quite specific and aggressive information gatekeepers of Prussian education, Rockefeller insistence, or the Church and all history, etc…
This began more than half a century of obfuscation and injecting humor into every topic related to, and so many topics our government would later find vital to their growth, including, and this is a micro list:
Mind Control, Presidential Assassin's, Lone Gunmen, serial killers, (who the top list of were products of life long mind control experiments and projects) synchromysticism,
UFOs and alien Abduction still to this day related to anal proves something hyper rare in reality, as an abduction researcher for decades I can't recall one anal probe case
Aspects of alien Abduction overlap with mind control and Milabs cases.
Then QAnon, Anonymous, and extreme psyops and bullshit have forever blurred the field more, and made real conspiracies the world over about child abuse and human choo chooing globally , Hollywood, the music industry, actual secret societies, dangerous groups like WEF, Davis, Bilderburg, Masons, Vatican etc
History and Ancient History:
in general have been badly revised by these groups and so have plans for their preferred future been in the works since 1700 something at least, and extends to at least 2070 something as a very early estimate from their writings.
Space, Weather, NASA, Moon and Mars:
NASA = deceiver
Werner Von Braun was a high ranking SS scientist who we appointed director of NASA for three decades.
His gravestone mentions the firmament
His death bed confession included communism, terrorism, and a false flag alien invasion faked by the US and allies against the people of Earth see his secretary Carol Rosin.
He wrote a book where a man named Elon colonized Mars.
The ISS is underwater Texas
Mars is Devon Island Canada
The moon landing (too much data for here)
ISS footage is CGI goofiness with too much hair gel
Challenger exploded in 86
It's crew still walks the Earth 🤔
Look into it…awhile
Changed the laws and our freedoms
We invaded seven countries to find one guy and a fictional weapons array
Cowid- erosion of freedoms
Compelled actions, behavior, repetition of dangerous instructions, top down control via WEF to WHO, criminal demon Fauci and others became full global authority, countries policed by WHO, often to their citizens health detriment
Brainwashed victims of unknown injected substances
Social self policing for the first time since the Mob beat up American Nazis in New York during WW2.
Hawaii targeted weather / airborne lasers
There's been an ongoing discussion between members of certain groups and the knowledge shared in various YouTube and tik tok videos which finally interlinks into a coherent narrative which many seem to be waking up to, which covers a great amount of ground but if briefly summarized might look something like
Research into the environment, food and those who work to manipulate all of these. May include weather research, geology, archaeology, weather manipulation, space, NASA, moon landing questions, Challenger tragedy survivors today, the ISS is underwater, Bert Seibert, Monsanto, farming, survival, preparation for various environmental disasters, etc…
The deep state, secret government, groups that hold extreme power, Bilderburg, Skull and Bones, Trilateral, WEF, Davos, military and secretive contractors, intelligence organizations history and pursuits globally and domestically, aspects of politics, secret cults in power, bloodlines, Fourth Reich, nwo etc…
(Priory of Sion, Templar's, Masons, Wall St, Jesuits, Rosicrucianism, Golden Dawn, Luciferianism, Satanism, reptilian bloodlines, SRA, TBMC, Monarch and Talent, etc…)
See Peter Levenda, Steven Snider,
Psychospiritual Growth, chakras, Kundalini, tarot, crystals, astrology, yoga, martial arts, remote viewing, astral travel, healing, Chi Gong, Tai Chi, athletic pursuits, psychoanalysis, ritual Magick, music,
Alien Abduction and mind control, sleep paralysis, UFOs, demonology, Milabs, Val Valerian, pulp comics, implants, generational military family abductees, contactees, experiences, star families, ancient records and memories, genetic memory, PLFs, nearly every TV show revisiting popular abductions throughout history are actually Milabs, channeling, Orion, Arcturus, Zeta Reticuli, Aldebaaran, Pleiades, are where the UFO occupants say they originate, dumbs, USOs, Nordics and space bros, reptilians, mantis beings, grays, and random are different types of on board interactions.
Cryptids, mysterious disappearances and creatures or beings, 411, Anomalies, sim theory, flat earth, quantum physics, Lovecraftian Magick, video game trance or flow state, Gematria,
Lost history or symbolism, Tartaria, Graham Hancock, Antarctica, Graham Hancock, Joseph Campbell, mudflood,
Mudflood, Worlds Fairs, orphan trains, world mythology, gods and or ancient aliens, Annunaki, Fae, Thoth, Nordics, cosmic serpent, voodoo, ritual Magick, ritual and traditions the world over, Native mythology, beings from Sirius, Orion, the future, psychedelic experiences, shamanism, transcendentalism,
Fictions and mythology, inspiration in art and writing
Comics and Sci Fi
Global Frequency
Swamp Thing
Star Wars
Star Trek (animated and original to start)
All Jack Kirby
Alan Moore
Warren Ellis
Grant Morrison
Chris Claremont for mins control in all X titles
Cartoons that cover most conspiracies
Gijoe. (All seasons and animated film)
TMNT (all seasons)
Conan (both series)
Spider Woman and Spidey 70’s
Bureau of Alien Detectors
Invasion America
Aein Flux
“Weapon X Lies and Videotape”
“No Mutant Is An Island”
X-MEN 97’
Ghostbusters Extreme and Original
Skysurfer Strike Force
Doctor Who (animated and all, every season)
Monster Force
Sonic and Mario
Freedom Force
Defenders Of The Earth
Star Trek animated
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