Death of a Conspiracy Term
We have a communication problem in some of the most important areas of study, and it was done on purpose years ago and works very well today. The invention of the term “conspiracy theorist”, an invention of the CIA’s changing terms forever department to shut up anyone wanting answers about JFK’s death. We'd do ourselves a service to never again say it, base all curiosity on real thorough factual research and we're fact theorist jus like that. We use facts to theorize larger truths than the world provides us from quite specific and aggressive information gatekeepers of Prussian education, Rockefeller insistence, or the Church and all history, etc… This began more than half a century of obfuscation and injecting humor into every topic related to, and so many topics our government would later find vital to their growth, including, and this is a micro list: Mind Control, Presidential Assassin's, Lone Gunmen, serial killers, (who the top list of were products of life long mind...